Sponsorship Info

The symposium will include numerous guest speakers in our industry and complimentary lunch with refreshments. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with roughly 100 golf course superintendents, industry decision makers, university faculty and future turfgrass leaders. We're expecting a strong list of speakers and will have time for interaction between guests and sponsors.

We are relying on those in the turfgrass industry to assist us financially with this exciting opportunity. It is a great way to meet local and aspiring turfgrass managers.  We have assembled four levels of sponsorship each yielding a great return on investment. However, any donation you could make would be greatly appreciated. Attached are the levels of sponsorship and your formal invite to our symposium.

The levels of donation and their benefits:

Platinum: $750.00 donation

This entitles you to: guaranteed advertisement (company banners as you walk in/ behind the stage), guaranteed booth in the job fair, special mention in the program as a Platinum sponsor, and an M.C. "personal thank you" acknowledgment.

Gold:  $500.00 donation

This entitles you to: advertisement as you walk in (company banners), guaranteed booth in the job fair, and a special mention in the program as a Gold sponsor.

Silver:  $250.00 donation

This entitles you to: advertisement (company banners), a guaranteed spot in the job fair, and a special mention in the program as a Silver sponsor.

Bronze:  $100.00 donation

This entitles you to a special mention in the program.

Please email Annie Vaillancourt at [email protected] for more information.